Brazilian artist Céu performs live at Herbst Theater in San Francisco. I took these photos with my phone (poor quality), but from excellent seats near the front (so i got a great view).

I didn’t take many photos at this event, but this time for a different reason than usual… For the first time ever at a Symbiosis event, I was not directly responsible for the production, so i was actually out having…

Symbiosis Solar Eclipse Gathering 17 – 21 May 2012 Pyramid Lake, Nevada Symbiosis Solar Eclipse Gathering : www.PyramidEclipse.com Symbiosis Events : www.SymbiosisEvents.com Graphic design by Jen Zariat (except map and advertisements).

I love sitting on the front steps in the morning. Especially with just-delivered fresh organic strawberries.

My garden is excited for spring, and so am i… The purple dino kale is getting bigger every day, along with the lettuces and other assorted greens, and i’ve got heads of cauliflower the size of two fists! The rainbow…