Rainbow Serpent Festival 2006, near Beaufort in western Victoria, Australia. Rainbow Serpent Festival : www.RainbowSerpent.net

I had a brief layover in Frankfurt, so i decided to make a short stay of it. I didn’t see any sights or nightlife, i just wandered around the neighborhood near where i was staying.

You can see a lot in four days in Singapore, particularly because this city-island is constantly in motion. You can dine and shop 24 hours a day. The airport itself is more timeless than a Vegas casino, with orchids, hotels-by-the-hour…

Earthcore QLD, 3 – 4 December 2005, at The Peak Crossing in Queensland, Australia. Live Acts: The Amorphous Androgynous (Future Sound of London’s Band), Hallucinogen, System 7, Soma Rasa, AB Didgeridoo, Teschnik, Hired Goonz, Superfluid, Whispa, D-Ko, Statler and Warldorf, Vinylslingers…

Earthcore Carnival, 26 – 28 November 2005, in Undera, Victoria, Australia Earthcore : www.Earthcore.com.au

Synergenesis 2, on 8 October 2005, in San Francisco, California. Synergenesis : www.Synergenesis.org

1st Annual Symbiosis Gathering Santa Cruz, California 30 September – 2 October 2005 Live Bands and World Music Kan’Nal Ganga Giri Rocker T BLVD Jethro Jeremiah Band, Acacia, Naomi and the Courteous Rudeboys, Ribotto and Friends Trance – Live Acts Bamboo Forest (MP,…

HowWeird Street Faire, May 1 2005, in San Francisco, California. HowWeird Street Faire : www.HowWeird.org Lowpro Lounge : www.LowproLounge.com