Annabelle and the Oakland Art Murmur
I met a girl named Annabelle at the Oakland Art Murmur. She had a small folding table and a handwritten display (black marker on butcher paper – classic), where she was selling a selection of toy figurines that had been torn apart and reassembled in new, altered forms.
I was lucky to encounter her early in the evening, because her little table quickly drew a crowd. It wasn’t long before she sold everything she brought. Her prices were very reasonable – the centerpiece figure was a troll-doll head on a business-suit body called ‘Mutant President’ – and it was only $10. Her Dad was hanging out nearby in case she needed anything, but Annabelle had this mini-shop completely under control.
A little charisma doesn’t hurt when hawking street art… and it helps when you’re totally adorable. I, like everyone who saw this setup, pretty much, had to buy something. I ended up taking home a bespectacled ‘Arthur’ with an orange octopus body, and a flying fairy princess with the head of Oscar the Grouch.